Sabtu, 04 Juli 2015

Tugas 4 softskills bahasa inggris 2

Addini Daulati Haqque

”Ibuku menelepon setiap hari untuk bertanya, ‘Apakah kamu mencoba untuk berjaga jarak dengan Ibu?’ Ketika aku menjawab, ‘Tidak,’ dia menambahkan, ‘Jadi, kalau kamu tidak terlalu sibuk, hubungi Ibu selagi Ibu masih hidup,’ dan panggilan terputus”

Pada 2 Mei, 1926, orangtuaku menikah, keadaan dimana mereka bersama selama enam puluh tujuh tahun. Untuk lima belas tahun terakhir, mereka menghabiskan enam bulan berdebat di Florida dan enam bulan berdebat di New York. Selama masa di Florida, Ibuku menyukai ketika aku menulis untuk Ibu, tetapi karena aku sibuk dalam perjalananku dan jadwal kuliahku, aku jarang melakukan hal itu, saat itu tidak memungkinkan untuk menulis dan menyetir dalam waktu yang bersamaan. Oleh karena itu, aku biasanya menghubungi Ibu lewat telepon. Ini adalah balasan dari Ibu untuk panggilan lewat teleponku:
            Untuk yang tersayang,
            Sebuah kesenangan dengan mendengar suaramu, tetapi suratmu lebih menggetarkan hati Ibu, karena Ibu membaca dan membaca lagi surat-suratmu. Ibu menanti untuk melihatmu dan anak-anakmu. Bagaimana yang mereka lakukan di sekolah dan di rumah? Filmnya terdengar menarik. Dimana kamu makan? Kami sangat mencintaimu. Ciumlah anak-anak untuk kami.
                                                                                                            Hanya Ayah dan Ibu

Sekarang aku tanya padamu, apakah seperti itu orang yang rendah hati? “Hanya Ayah dan Ibu.” Itu lebih seperti surat pengusiran yang bertanda tangankan “Tuan Tanah.” Dalam situasi lain, bagaimana bisa aku menghilangkan rasa kekaguman Ibu kepada surat yang dibaca dan dibacanya lagi? Jadi aku menulis sebuah surat untuknya, dan inilah balasan suratnya:

            Tersayang yang terakhir dilahirkan
            Ini sangat sebuah hal yang mengagumkan dari anak perempuanku dengan mendapatkan sedikit waktunya untuk menulis surat setelah dua bulan liburan. Ibu tidak mengerti apa yang kamu lakukan kepada masyarakat yang lebih dulu disana. Apa yang kamu ajarkan kepada mereka? Dalam panggung kehidupan ini, Ibu berpikir kamu bisa memberikan pelajaran kepada mereka! Ibu bangga kamu sudah mengirimkan artikel untuk ibu, sebaliknya Ibu tidak berpikir ibu bisa masih bisa mendapatkan surat lagi. Bagaimanapun, Ibu cinta kamu dan Ibu senang mendengar kamu menikmati hidupmu. Tolong, tolong lanjutkan! Berikan anak-anak sebuah pelukan dan ciuman untuk Ibu.
                                                                                                Cinta dari Ayah dan Ibu

            Well, sekarang aku berkemauan keras aku bisa menulis surat yang panjang untuknya, yang telah kulakukan. Aku menghubunginya untuk memberitahukan bahwa aku baru mengirimnya surat terpanjang yang pernah kutulis, dan Ibu tidak pernah mengeluh lagi. Benar? Salah! Inilah balasan untuk surat terpanjangku:
            Teruntuk Joyce,
            Iya, suratmu merupakan surat terpanjang yang baik. Tetapi sebuah surat adalah sebuah surat, dan kamu hanya menggunakan satu stample, jadi itu berarti bahwa itu hanyalah sebuah surat. Ayolah nak, kamu akan menulis surat lagi, dan seterusnya. Mencoba untuk mendapatkanmu lewat telepon hanyalah sebuah lelucon besar. Apakah kamu tidak pernah melepaskan telepon? Ibu sudah mencoba setengah lusinan kali dan sambungannya sibuk, dan di lain waktu aku mendapatkan mesin yang menjawab. Lupakan itu. Kamu menelepon Ibu. Ibu akan mengembalikan berapapun biaya untuk itu.
                                                                                                            Cinta dari Ayah dan Ibu

            Dan sekarang untuk la pièce de résistance. Aku mencari jaket berkerudung bulu yang panjang untuk menghangatkanku, karena kuliahku menempatkanku pada tempat terdingin di Negara. Aku mencari jaket, mengecek semua pedagang pakaian bulu di Hartford dan New Haven, tapi aku tidak bisa menjangkau apapun yang mereka punya. Akhirnya, dalam keputus asaan, aku memperhatikan keluarga penjual bulu tua. Aku menghubungi ibuku di Florida dan berkata, “Ibu, apakah Mr. Walowitz di Brooklyn masih dalam bisnisnya?” dan dia berkata, “tentu dia masih dalam bisnisnya. Buktinya, anak laki-lakinya ikut dalam bisnisnya, dan cucunya sudah dua puluh tiga tahun, dan dia juga ikut dalam bisnisnya tersebut. Kamu hubungi dia dan Ibu yakin dia akan membuatkan sesuatu untukmu dengan harga rata-rata.” Ketika aku beritahu ibuku bahwa aku sudah memesan jaket dari Mr. Walowitz, inilah yang ibuku tulis:
            Dear Doll,
            Ibu pikir kamu melakukan hal yang benar dengan memesan ke Walowitz. Aku selalu sangat senang dengan apapun yang pernah mereka lakukan untuk ibu. Tetapi beritahukan dia, dia boleh memberikan biaya dari kunjunganmu ke Brooklyn, dan juga jangan membayar pajaknya. BERITAHU DIA BAHWA IBU MENGATAKAN DEMIKIAN.  Jelaskan kepada Walowitz bahwa biayanya $25 setiap kamu datang ke Brooklyn, dan juga beritahu dia bahwa kamu tidak akan menuntut dia untuk waktumu. Ibu tidak bercanda. Dia bisa melakukan sesuatu untukmu. Ingatkan dia bahwa dia tidak memberikanmu sebuah hadiah pernikahan!
                                                                                                            Cinta dari Ayah dan Ibu

            Akhirnya, kesimpulan kuliahku dari pentingnya humor, seorang pria China datang menghampiriku dan berkata, “Joyce, aku ingin kau tahu setelah mendengar surat ibtumu, aku sekarang tahu bahwa rata-rata ibu seperti itu. Aku juga merealisasikan ibuku seharusnya seorang Yahudi!”

Joyce M. Saltman

Sabtu, 06 Juni 2015


Addini Daulati Haqque
Bahasa Inggris 2


Hello, my name is Addini Daulati Haqque. On this time, I would to tell you about my experience when my first semester begun. My college was at Gunadarma University, and my direction is Management (S1). In my direction, economics was learned by me. Mostly the course was given have a relation with economy. Not exception for the course English.
On my study beginning, we learned about human needs, among others primary, secondary, and tertiary. Not only that, we learned about global market and multinational company too, and of course so many economy have been learn. I think that was interesting, because If I learn about economics, I will pass the economics exam, and have a excellent grade, that was make a evidence about importantly lecture for the future.  And have a good future is more than anything.
And not only about my course, I had another experience in here. I joined to Swara Darmagita choir. It was amazing and so have fun in there. We sing to have fun, and learn about how to be a good singer. We practice sing every day, because we will join to Penabur’s Contest. That was made me so awkward and so nervous.
To be a singer who joined that contest, we have to audition. So we have to seriously for our practice. So many contestant and they are very good singer. I have to work hard to be better than them.
And if I could not select from this audition, I have to keep spirit and don’t give up to learn everything of the choir. Maybe that was my false because my work not maximal. That all was give me learn to keep patient and to the best for everything. So I am so happy to joined Swara Darmagita choir, and so proud could be a student in Gunadarma University. Thank you…

Minggu, 03 Mei 2015


Softskill B. Inggris
Addini Daulati Haqque
Adjective and adverbial clause

Adjective clause
Coordination is a useful way of connecting ideas that are roughly equal in importance. But often we need to show that one idea in a sentence is more important than another. On these occasions we use subordination to indicate that one part of a sentence is secondary (or subordinate) to another part. One common form of subordination is the adjective clause a word group that modifies a noun.
·         Pizza, which most people love, is not very healthy.
·         The people whose names are on the list will go to camp.
·         Grandpa remembers the old days when there was no television
·         Fruit that is grown organically is expensive.
·         Students who are intelligent get good grades.
·         Eco-friendly cars that run on electricity save gas.
·         I know someone whose father served in World War II.
·         Making noise when he eats is the main reason why Sue does not like to eat with her brother.
·         The kids who were called first will have the best chance of getting a seat.
·         I enjoy telling people about Janet Evanovich whose latest book was fantastic.
·         The people waiting all night outside the Apple store are trying to purchase a new iPhone.
·         He who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe is as good as dead.
·         Those who do not complain are never pitied.
·         People demand freedom of speech to make up for the freedom of thought which they avoid.
·         Never go to a doctor whose office plants have died.

Turning Adjective Clauses into Phrases
An adjective clause with a subject pronoun - such as which, that or who - can also be shortened into a phrase.
You can shorten an adjective clause in two ways:
1.      Omit the subject pronoun and verb.
2.      Omit the subject pronoun and change the verb to the form ending in "ing."
   Here are some examples of how to create an adjective phrase:
·         Adjective Clause: The books, which are lost, are not really necessary.
·         Adjective Phrase: The books lost are not really necessary.
·         Adjective Clause: The girl who is running is my best friend.
·         Adjective Phrase: The girl running is my best friend.
·          Adjective Clause: His share of the money, which consists of $100,000, was given to him on Monday.
·         Adjective Phrase: His share of the money, consisting of $100,000, was given to him on Monday.
·          Adjective Clause: Something that smells bad may be rotten.
·         Adjective Phrase: Something smelling bad may be rotten.

Remember, the goal of an adjective clause is to add more information to a noun or a pronoun. You can add the information by including a few more words or by changing the adjective clause to a phrase.
Adverbial clause
A type of adverbial clause that states a hypothesis or condition, real or imagined.
A conditional clause may be introduced by the subordinating conjunction if or another conjunction, such as unless, provided that, or in case of.
·         "If you want a friend in Washington, get a dog."
·         "If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant; if we did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome."
·         "Romans park their cars the way I would park if I had just spilled a beaker of hydrochloric acid on my lap."
·         "If I had only known, I would have been a locksmith."
·         Whether you like it or not, you have to go to bed now.
·         Whether you like it or not, you have to go to bed now.
·         She likes the red car more than her husband does.
·         If you pay your bills, you will have a good credit score.
·         Unless you run fast, you will miss the bus.
·         So that she would have a tan for her vacation, she went to a tanning salon.
·         Marty kept his schedule open, in case of emergencies.
·         Because he loved her, he didn’t believe she had an affair.
·         Once they saw the car coming, the birds flew away from the street.
·         Although she has a business degree, she is working as a retail clerk.
·         You must keep practicing the etude until you get it right.
·         In order to have six-pack abs, he works out at the gym.
·         As we bought the tickets, the overture was beginning.
·         Before we go on vacation, we must make reservations.
·         Give us a call when you get back from your trip.

Types of Conditional Clauses
There are six main types of conditional sentence:
1.      For example, the equilibrium between liquid and vapor is upset if the temperature is increased.
(General rule, or law of nature: it always happens.)
2.      If you start thinking about this game, it will drive you crazy.
(Open future condition: it may or may not happen.)
3.      But if you really wanted to be on Malibu Beach, you'd be there.
(Unlikely future condition: it probably won't happen.)
4.      If I were you, I would go to the conference center itself and ask to see someone in security.
(Impossible future condition: it could never happen.)
5.      "I would have resigned if they had made the decision themselves," she said.
(Impossible past condition: it didn't happen.)
6.      If he had been working for three days and three nights then it was in the suit he was wearing now.
(Unknown past condition: we don't know the facts.)

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